Functions of the Commission
The Constitution, 1996, mandates the Commission to
perform functions. In terms of Section 196(4) of the
Constitution, the Commission shall:
- promote the constitutionally prescribed values and
principles governing public administration in the public
- investigate, monitor and evaluate the organisation
and administration, and the personnel practices, of the
public service;
- propose measures to ensure effective and efficient
performance within the public service;
- give directions aimed at ensuring that personnel
procedures relating to recruitment, transfers promotions
and dismissals comply with the constitutionally
prescribed values and principles;
- report in respect of its activities and the
performance of its functions, including any finding it
may make and directions and advice it may give, and to
provide an evaluation of the extent to which the
constitutionally prescribed values and principles are
complied with; and
- either of its own accord or on receipt of any
complaint -
- investigate and evaluate the application of
personnel and public administration practices, and
report to the relevant executive authority and
- investigate grievances of employees in the
public service concerning official acts or
omissions, and recommend appropriate remedies;
- monitor and investigate adherence to applicable
procedures in the public service; and
- advise national and provincial organs of state
regarding personnel practices in the public service,
including those relating to the recruitment,
appointment, transfer, discharge and other aspects
of the careers of employees in the public service.
In terms of item (v) above the Commission shall
report at least once a year to the National Assembly;
and in respect of its activities in a province, to the
legislature of the province.
The Commission will at all times retain its independent
and impartial status. Such interaction will in no way
affect its reporting to the National Assembly or the
various Provincial Legislatures.