The PUublic Service Commission (PSC) Bids Farewell to
its Chairperson, DR Ralph Mgijima
31 January 2011
The Public Service Commission (PSC) bids farewell to its Chairperson, Dr
Ralph Mgijima, whose second term of Office comes to an end today. Dr Mgijima has
served the PSC with distinction during the past ten years as a Commissioner
based in Gauteng, and later also as Chairperson of the PSC. He steered the PSC
to greater heights and contributed immensely to the institution’s task of
ensuring the transformation of the Public Service through its oversight work.
“Dr Mgijima has certainly carved his own mark in the history of the Public
Service Commission and I am sure that the current and next generation of
Commissioners and leaders in the PSC will find indelible prints of his wisdom
when continuing with the Commission’s journey of creating a better life for
all”, remarked the Deputy Chairperson of the PSC, Ms Phelele Tengeni.
Issued by the Public Service Commission
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Mr Humphrey Ramafoko; Director: Communication and Information Service;
Tel: 012- 352 1196;
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Mr Ricardo Mahlakanya; Deputy Director: External Communication;
Tel: 012 352 1070; Cell: 079 769 7955;