Public Service Commission and Office of the Military Ombud to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to promote Professional and Ethical Leadership Across Society

18 April 2017

The Public Service Commission (PSC) and the Office of the Military Ombud (OMO) will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide for a framework for cooperation and collaboration between the two institutions with the view to sharing information and enhancing the effectiveness and the efficiency of the two institutions.

The PSC and the Office of the Military Ombud acknowledge that the functions of the two institutions complement each other’s to some extent. In recognising the synergy between them, the PSC and the Office of Military Ombud identified the following areas of collaboration:

  •  Collaboration and cooperation in respect of complaints falling within either Party’s mandate;
  • Exchange of information on personnel and public administration practices; and
  • Any other areas of interest as may be identified from time to time.

The members of the media are invited to this historic event which will be held as follows:

Date 20 April 2017
Time 10h00 – 12h00
Venue     Military Ombud Office
Eco Origins Block C4
349 Witch-Hazel Avenue

Issued jointly by the Public Service Commission and the Office of the Military Ombud

RSVPs for the event should kindly be directed to: Humphrey Ramafoko Public Service Commission; Tel: 012-352 1196; Cell: 082 782 1730; Email:; or Ms Nthombikayise Mdluli Jacha Head of Communication on 062 504 7717/ 012 676 3812 Email:

National Anti-Corruption Hotline: 0800 701 701



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