Public Service Commission signs MOUs with likeminded Institutions
03 April 2024
On Wednesday, 03 April 2024, the Public Service Commission (PSC) under the leadership of the Chairperson, Professor Somadoda Fikeni
signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Health Ombud, Professor Taole Mokoena at the Public Service Commission House in
Pretoria. The MoU provides a framework for cooperation and collaboration between the Health Ombud and the PSC with the view to share
information and enhance the efficacy of the two institution. The areas of collaboration include the following amongst others:
- Joint investigations;
- Training;
- Cross referral of emerging and urgent risk complaints about health establishments; and
In reflecting on the ceremony, Professor Fikeni said: “the signing of the MoU with the Health
Obud aims to reaffirm the importance of coordination amongst the Parties in areas of mutual
interest. The MoU will provide an opportunity to collaborate, share experiences and best practices”.
On the same day, Professor Fikeni signed another MoU with the Moral Regeneration Movement (MRM)
which was represented by its Chairperson, Father Simangaliso Mkhatshwa as well Mr Seth Mazibuko. The
MoU with the MRM aims to amongst others, provide a framework for the collaboration on selected
initiatives; promote ethical leadership in the Public Service through the hosting of public lecture
series; and collaborate through the sharing of facilities, other resources and matters related
thereto. Furthermore, the areas of collaboration will include, amongst others, co-sponsoring public
events which are beneficial to both parties; promotion of ethical leadership and practice in the Public
Service; and advertising on each other’s communication platforms on areas that promotes ethical conduct.
“The PSC is responsible for the promotion of values and principles outlined in Section 195 of the
Constitution and the partnership with the MRM will provide a common cause to address the lack of
focus on the values and character formation amongst the society. The partnership will further
contribute in building a capable, ethical and developmental state as articulated in the National
Development Plan,” said Professor Fikeni
Enquiries:Mr Humphrey Ramafoko - 082 782 1730 or
Ms Zodwa Mtsweni - 076 554 8890 or<
Issued by the Public Service Commission
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