Public Service Commission Applauds Officials for Refusing a Bribe
03 May 2024
The Public Service Commission (PSC) has noted with appreciation that officials from the South African Revenue Services and the Road Traffic Management
Corporation refused to take bribes of R200 000 and R50 000 respectively after a truck loaded with 614 boxes of semi-manufactured tobacco to the value
of R6 million entered South Africa via Beitbridge.
These upright officials demonstrated honesty and bravery as well an important trait of serving with integrity and ethical conduct, something that must
be applauded. Their ethical conduct also augurs well towards the professionalization of the Public Service and should serve as a lesson to all public
servants to give their selfless service to the people of this country. They demonstrated a high standard of professional ethics and that will be engraved
in the history books as the real patriots.
The PSC would like to encourage all public servants across the country to uphold the constitutional values and principles which calls for professional ethics
and accountability. These actions will contribute towards building a professional, ethical, and capable public service.
Enquiries: Mr Humphrey Ramafoko on 0827821730 or
Issued by the Public Service Commission
National Anti-Corruption Hotline: 0800 701 701