Chairperson of The PSC distances Himself from Fake News Regarding Election Outcomes
15 April 2024
The Public Service Commission (PSC) notes with concern a fake statement circulating on social media regarding the following comments,
purported to be made by the Chairperson of the PSC, Professor Somadoda Fikeni: "contrary to the incorrect narrative about the ANC losing
support as a result of the formation of the MK party, the reality and the truth on the ground is that the ANC is growing more ever before,
it is gaining more support and it’s going to win the national elections by more than 50%."
The Chairperson of the PSC distances himself from this fake statement.
The PSC is an independent, impartial and fair organisation, which subscribes to the principle of good governance. The policy position of
the PSC is that Commissioners as well as members of staff should exercise or perform their powers and functions in good faith and without
fear, favour or prejudice and subject only to the Constitution and the law. Furthermore, a Commissioner may not hold office in any political
party or political organization or be a member of a structure of any political party or political organisation.
It is on this basis that the Public Service Commission, as an independent institution will not make commentary on the South African political landscape.
The PSC will endeavor to find the source of this misleading statement
Enquiries: Mr Humphrey Ramafoko on 0827821730 or
Issued by the Public Service Commission
National Anti-Corruption Hotline: 0800 701 701