The Public Service Commission Welcomes the Establishment of the SADC Public Service Commission Forum
15 May 2024
The Public Service Commission (PSC) welcomes the establishment of a Forum for SADC Public Service Commissions during the meeting of Chairpersons
of Public Service Commissions in the SADC region. The historic meeting was initiated and hosted by the South African Public Service Commission,
at its offices in Cape Town on Tuesday, 14 May 2024.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss inter-alia, possibilities of establishing a Forum within the SADC region where members of the Public
Service Commissions in the region can convene and engage on matters of common interest, including, inter alia, collaboration and sharing best
practices, mobilisation of resources and co-ordination of the SADC inputs to the Association of African Public Service Commissions (AAPSCOMS),
as an organised SADC block.
At this meeting, the Chairperson of the Public Service Commission (PSC), Professor Somadoda Fikeni, was nominated interim Convenor of the newly
created Southern African Development Community (SADC) Public Service Commission Forum.
The meeting was attended by the representatives of the Public Service Commissions from South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia, Mauritius, Seychelles,
eSwatini, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.
Following extensive deliberations, the attendees endorsed the establishment of a Forum of SADC Public Service Commissions and nominated members
to serve in the interim leadership structure. The interim leadership which will be led by Professor Fikeni as Convenor comprises of the Chairpersons
of the PSCs from all member countries. Namibia was nominated as the Deputy Convenor. These countries will also submit names of seven members who will
serve in the Secretariat with Adv Dinkie Dube, the Director General of the PSC in South Africa, being the Leader of the Secretariat.
The newly established Forum, which is aptly named the SADC Public Service Commission Forum will hold its inaugural Annual General Meeting (AGM) in
South Africa during the month of August 2024, with the view to elect its leadership as per the meeting’s resolution.
The following are some of the resolutions taken during this historic meeting:
- Mobilise resources as a SADC block.
- Establish relationships and reporting lines to the SADC and African Union and structures.
- Collaborate on the commemoration of Africa and World Public Service Day.
- Mobilise and leverage on various PSC’s resources especially in the Information Communication Technology sector and
share a common position on procuring systems.
- Collaborate with the National Schools of Government for training of Public Servants in the SADC region.
- Build strong public service institutions and capacity building to respond to the emerging trends during the VUCA
(i.e. Volatility, Uncertainty Complexity and Ambiguity) moment.
- Need for repositioning of the PSCs including the redefinition of the mandate and role of PSCs within SADC for more strategic interventions.
- Sharing of legislation and constitutions that created each PSC in SADC.
Professor Mandla Makhanya, Commissioner of the PSC in South Africa, who played a key role leading to the convening of this meeting said: "The establishment of
the SADC Public Service Commission Forum is a historic moment in our region. The Forum will contribute immensely in the space of public administration within t
he SADC region. Its work will feed into the Association of Public Service Commissions".
Enquiries: Mr Humphrey Ramafoko on 0827821730 or or
Ms Zodwa Mtsweni on 076 554 8890 or
Issued by the Public Service Commission
National Anti-Corruption Hotline: 0800 701 701