Overview of Anti-Corruption Programmes and Strategies in
South Africa a Look at the Past Decade, and Forward to a
Common Programme of Action
Addressed by: Prof S S Sangweni
Chairperson: Public Service Commission
At The Free State Provincial Anti-Corruption Summit,
Bloemfontein : 29 July 2005
South Africa is a relatively new democracy that emerged in
1994 after decades of struggle. During the years of
struggle, South Africa was a fragmented country and the
majority of its people were subjected to a corrupt
political, social, economical and moral regime. In 1994 the
Government that was elected democratically by the majority
of people, embarked upon a programme to reconstruct and
develop South Africa to the benefit of all its peoples. The
programme of growth, reconstruction and development was
fraught with obstacles and legacies created by the apartheid
regime. One such obstacle was the prevalence of corruption.
- In recent years, government has stepped up its
anti-corruption activities. Its efforts have become more
systemic, with greater emphasis on instituting appropriate
policy measures to prevent corruption. Anti-corruption has
been a priority in the programme of Government for many
years and even the 2005 Programme of Action reflects this.
Whilst the essence of progress in this area is captured in
the Towards a Ten Year Review discussion document, progress
has been much deeper and comprehensive. In this paper I deal
with the significant domestic initiatives, regional and
international co-operation and conclude with an overview of
corruption currently, the challenges ahead and the way
forward. Ten years of Government action against corruption
- In March 1997 government Ministers responsible for the South
African National Crime Prevention Strategy established a
programme committee to work on corruption. By June 1997 the
Code of Conduct for the Public Service had become part 2 of
the regulations for every public servant. The programme
committee’s work resulted in Government’s approval of a
National Campaign against Corruption in 1998. The first step
involved a Public Sector Anti-corruption Conference in
November of 1998. Its resolutions addressed such issues as
defining corruption, restoring a public service ethos, the
role of civil society, the responsibilities of public sector
managers, financial management and controls, and
co-ordination of anti-corruption structures.
Fundamental to the fight against corruption was the
involvement of all stakeholders. To this end the first
National Anti-corruption Summit was convened in April 1999,
involving government leaders, organised business, organised
religious bodies, the NGO sector, donor countries, the
media, organised labour unions, academic and professional
bodies and the public sector. The first National
Anticorruption Summit created a powerful platform for the
National Campaign Against Corruption in that it recognised
the societal nature of corruption, and that the fight
against corruption requires a national consensus and
co-ordination of activities.
- The Summit adopted a range of resolutions for implementation
in the public, business and civil society sectors of the
country. These resolutions related to combating corruption,
preventing corruption, building integrity and raising
awareness. Progress with implementation of the resolutions
has been very good. Government has honoured the commitments
made at this Summit (see Annexure: Progress Report on
Implementation of Summit Resolutions).
- As a result of continuous consultation between the sectors
in the period after the first National Anti-corruption
Summit, the National Anti-corruption Forum was created in
June 2001 as the formal mechanism to bring the public,
business and civil society sectors together to fight
corruption in all aspects of our society. Government has
consistently participated in this Forum and attempted to
strengthen its work.
- The National Anti-Corruption Forum hosted the Second
National Summit, held on 22 and 23 March 2005, in Pretoria.
The Summit under the Theme : Fighting Corruption Together :
Past Achievements and Future Challenges, presented an
opportunity for all sectors of South African society to
collectively reflect on past achievements and strategies,
future challenges in fighting corruption and then to craft 3
a common programme of action for immediate and long term
future. A total of 390 delegates attended the second Summit,
representative of the three sectors, namely the Public,
Business and Civil Society Sectors. A total 27 resolutions
were adopted by the Summit addressing issues of: Ethics,
Awareness and Prevention of Corruption; Combating
Corruption, as well as Oversight, Transparency and
Accountability. These constitute the basis of the current
national programme and strategy against corruption. Public
Service Anti-Corruption Strategy
- In the beginning of 2001, in line with Cabinet’s decision to
fast track our anticorruption work, the Minister for the
Public Service and Administration created a unit to
co-ordinate and integrate Government’s anti-corruption work
at the level of policy and strategy implementation. Work
started on establishing a strategy that balanced prevention,
action against corruption and sustainable systems of
prevention, information and communication. The Public
Service Anti-Corruption Strategy was approved by Cabinet in
January 2002, and implementation commenced in February of
that year. This Strategy contains nine considerations that
are inter-related and mutually supportive. These are as
- Review and consolidation of the legislative framework
- Increased institutional capacity to prevent and combat
- Improved access to report wrongdoing and protection of
whistleblowers and witnesses
- Prohibition of corrupt individuals and businesses
- Improved management policies and practices
- Managing professional ethics
- Partnerships with stakeholders
- Social analysis, research and policy advocacy
- Awareness, training and education.
- In accordance with the Public Service Anti-Corruption
Strategy, and also arising from the Constitution, the
recommendations of the National Anti-Corruption Summit and
various of Government’s policy decisions have been
translated into a number of anti-corruption measures. These
are as follows:-
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- National Government has introduced and promoted various
pieces of key legislation such as the Protected Disclosures
Act, Promotion of Access to Information Act, Financial
Intelligence Centre Act, Promotion of Administrative Justice
Act and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities
- Establishment of strong institutional capacity at national
level to complement the basic police work, with such
institutions such as the Public Protector, the National
Prosecuting Authority, The Special Investigating Unit, the
Public Service Commission, the Financial Intelligence Centre
and the Auditor-General. These institutions, individually
and collectively, are reaching levels of maturity and
efficiency that have provided the country with strong
anti-corruption capacity.
- The money laundering work of the Financial Intelligence
Centre is compliant with the highest international standard
for combating money laundering, namely the Forty
Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force on Money
- The establishment of an Asset Register for Accounting
Officers and mandatory financial disclosure of assets and
interests for all Senior Managers.
Various other improvements in public administration in the
Public Service, including defining Honesty and Integrity as
a key set of 11 competencies required of senior managers.
- The enactment of the Public Finance Management Act,
including the requirement for departments to do risk
assessments and develop fraud prevention plans. As part of
implementation the whole supply chain management system has
been reformed and pertinent anti-corruption measures have
been established.
- Government commissioned a study into all agencies involved
in anticorruption work with a view to increasing
efficiencies and impact. This study was completed in August
2001 and complemented by a study in 2002 on departmental
anti-corruption capacity. In September 2003 Cabinet approved
requirements for minimum anti-corruption capacity within all
government departments. By November 2004, 67% of departments
in the Public Service have established capacity in line with
Cabinet’s decisions.
- A programme to establish and roll out Specialised Commercial
Crimes Courts have been launched in Pretoria in 2000 and new
courts for Durban and Port Elizabeth have been launched late
last year. These courts have gained strong business support
and international acclaim as a best practice model. These
courts deal with a variety of commercial crimes and
corruption and statistics show that these courts finalise a
greater number of cases and achieve higher conviction rates
than normal regional courts.
- A national public service anti-corruption hotline system was
established in 2004 (toll-free number is 0800 701 701). To
date 850 cases have been processed through the system,
including about 60 service delivery cases. A total + 35
cases have been dealt with by Departments and finalised.
The Anti-corruption Co-ordinating Committee has been
established to co-ordinate implementation of the Public
Service Anti-corruption Strategy as well as other
anticorruption work. This Committee consists of 14
departments and agencies within Government, including the
Special Investigating Unit, National Prosecuting Authority,
Public Protector’s Office, Auditor-General, National
Intelligence Agency, Public Service Commission, the
Department of Public Service and Administration, the
Department Provincial and Local Government, as well as Eight
(8) Provincial Governments represented by the Premier’s
Offices (Free State not represented), Department of Justice
and Constitutional Affairs, Department of Home Affairs,
National Treasury, and SAPS.
- The ability for law enforcement and related oversight
agencies to coordinate work at operational level has
increased significantly. The use of multi-agency task teams
to investigate and deal with allegations of corruption has
proved to be particularly successful.
Examples of such operations include the report on the
Strategic Defence Procurement Package, the Joint
Anti-corruption Task Team in the Eastern Cape, the High
Flyers Project in the Western Cape and the project on the
Top 200 criminals.
State Owned Enterprises
Regarding State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Cabinet approved
the protocol on Corporate Governance in September 2002.
Amongst various good governance arrangements, the Protocol
obliges SOEs to combat corruption through such mechanisms as
risk management and fraud prevention plans (the PFMA applies
to SOEs), to do full disclosures of losses as a result of
fraud and theft and to implement codes of ethics for board
members and staff. Regarding restructuring processes, a
restructuring oversight mechanism has been established as
well as a Governance in Restructuring Processes Policy,
which sets out minimum requirements including conflict of
interest declarations, confidentiality requirements as well
as monitoring of transactions by an independent auditor. As
part of its ongoing reform programme for public entities,
Government has commissioned a study into the structure and
governance arrangements of these entities and is currently
considering proposals to improve the governance arrangements
for these entities.
- Related to the aforegoing is the Government’s initiative to
reform the accounting profession, inter alia to address
possible deficiencies that may lead to governance scandals
as seen elsewhere in the world. The draft Auditing Bill was
published for public comment in November 2004 and Government
is currently considering the inputs.
Local Government
In the area of local government, Government has introduced
the Municipal Finance Management Act in order to bring
greater accountability and transparency into municipal
operations. This Act also introduces risk management and
fraud prevention as statutory requirements in local
authorities. Structures have been created with the
Department of Provincial and Local Government to initiate
and implement an anti-corruption campaign in local
government. Implementation of the anti-corruption initiative
is taking place within the ambit of Project Consolidate,
Government’s initiative to support 136 municipalities.
Social Analysis and Research
It was very difficult to identify specific trends in respect
of corruption, or even to determine whether corruption had
increased or decreased. To address this situation, a
corruption country assessment was launched with support from
the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, under the
auspices of the United Nations’ Global Programme against
Corruption. A fairly extensive assessment was undertaken.
The release of a comprehensive corruption country assessment
report took place in early 2003. Elements thereof will be
repeated through ongoing market, household and business
surveys and research and in 2006 Government intends to do a
full-scale assessment of the impact of its anti-corruption
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Regional and International Co-operation
South Africa’s quest for addressing the scourge of
corruption through partnership also extends to regional and
international co-operation. In October 1999 the South
African government co-hosted the 9th International
Anti-Corruption Conference in Durban with Transparency
International. This meeting was attended by over 1600
delegates from over 135 countries and was drawn from
government, business, civil society and international
- South Africa has ratified the Southern African Development
Community’s (SADC) Protocol against Corruption as well as
the United Nations Convention against Corruption, one of the
first countries to do so. South Africa complies with the
mandatory requirements of the United Nations Convention.
Government played a prominent role in the negotiation of the
African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating
Corruption, which was adopted in July 2003 by the Heads of
State and Government at the AU Summit. South Africa is in
the process of ratification of the African Union Convention.
- As part of its journey to complying with global
anti-corruption standards and playing a prominent role in
regional and international anti-corruption processes,
Government has also requested accession to the OECD
Convention on Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in
International Business Transactions. This request has been
supported by the OECD’s Working Group on Bribery and is now
being considered by the OECD’s Investment Committee.
Accession to this Convention has material and political
benefits for South Africa as a whole.
- A SADC Regional Anti-corruption Programme was adopted by
member countries to give effect to the SADC Protocol against
Corruption. This programme is based on the South African
Public Service Anti-corruption Strategy, which is indicative
of the regional regard for Government’s anti-corruption
African Public Service Ministers meeting at the 3rd Pan
African Conference of Public Service Ministers adopted the
Charter for the Public Service in Africa on 5 February 2001.
The Charter includes a code of conduct for African public
service employees, to which South Africa complies. Whilst
South Africa was the Chair of the 4th Pan African Conference
two years later, the Capacity Development Programme :
Governance and Administration was adopted, which includes a
project on ethics in Africa. South Africa will continue to
chair this important forum until 2007.
- On 9 March 2001 the South African government signed a
project agreement with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime to
support our national anti-corruption programme. Under this
programme Government has been able to leverage partnership
support for various distinct projects, including the Country
Corruption Assessment, support to the National Prosecuting
Authority, a courts integrity project as well as support for
the Second National Anti-corruption Summit.
- During 2002 the Government of the Republic of (South) Korea
approached the South African Government to assist with
organising the third meeting of Global Forum on Fighting
Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity. This Global Forum
meeting was successfully hosted in Seoul in May in 2003.
South Africa has also assisted the Government of Brazil with
organising the Global Forum IV on Fighting Corruption and
Safeguarding Integrity that took place in June 2005. South
Africa is to host the Global Forum V in 2007.
- Government has made a significant contribution to the United
Nations Practical Handbook for Investigators and Prosecutors
on Corruption and serves on the project team of the United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime that is developing
legislative guidelines for countries to comply with the
United Nations Convention against Corruption. 24. The
Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has requested
the South African Government to assist with establishing a
comprehensive anti-corruption framework in the DRC. Work in
this area has been ongoing since December 2004 and forms
part of support to stabilise and reconstruct the DRC.
Remaining challenges
In spite of the number of anti-corruption initiatives that
Government has embarked upon in the past decade, various
challenges remain. Whilst progress is also being made in
local government as far as legislative requirements and
structures are concerned, local government still lacks a
visible and coherent anti-corruption strategy. In the case
of public entities some degree of fragmentation in
governance arrangements exists. Government is keen to
develop a comprehensive governance strategy for the whole of
the public sector, thus ensuring internal coherence and
- Reliable data on corruption remains difficult and expensive
to collate and analyse. The myriad of instruments used to
determine corruption perception and experience and the
efficacy of anti-corruption measures is not helpful. An
ideal system would be one where a greater degree of
consistency in methodologies exists, thus enabling
comparative use of data. This needs to be supplemented with
substantive research and analysis of causes and effects of
corruption. In 2005/06 Government intends to measure
compliance with anticorruption policies and in 2006/07 a
full-scale impact assessment will be undertaken. In the
process towards these outputs, Government will finalise the
required indicator sets and engage with all partners.
- All sectors have not optimised the contribution they can
possibly make in the fight against corruption, both within
the respective sectors and as part of the collaborative
mechanism (the National Anti-corruption Forum). The
challenge remains to define and operationalise the
respective contributions of the sectors and its many
constituent parts. In order to provide credibility to the
Forum, it will be required to raise the levels of its
visible contribution to the fight against corruption based
on a programme of action. Related to this is the need to
generally effect public mobilisation and awareness against
corruption, as well as awareness of the successes of the
Forum and the respective sectors.
- Government sees opportunity to further optimise and improve
on the co-ordination arrangements that exist between the
different agencies and departments that perform
anticorruption roles. Government’s 2004-study into the
implementation of minimum anticorruption capacities in
departments at national and local level does show areas that
require national support, mainly around implementation of
whistleblowing mechanisms and information systems.
- While Government has complied with the mandatory
requirements of the United Nations Convention against
Corruption, there are some matters of the Convention that
need to be assessed and transformed into implementation
plans. An example is the article of the Convention relating
to the private sector that deals with matters such as
co-operation with law enforcement bodies, conflict of
interest measures and accounting arrangements.
- At operational level of preventing and combating corruption,
new challenges arise on an ongoing basis and need to be
responded to. Examples are the emergence of cyber crimes and
ongoing permutations of known scams.
- Government will continue to address the above challenges as
part of its ongoing anti-corruption work but foresees that
the work would compliment a national anticorruption
Conclusion : Corruption Overview Currently
Corruption in the public sector continues to impact on
government’s ability to ensure adequate service delivery to
the public, and also impacts adversely on the national
security of the Republic. Corruption remains particularly
problematic at provincial and local government levels, with
recent demonstrations and instability against local
government service delivery illustrating the extent of
public dissatisfaction with corruption. Progress has been
made on the national level in developing legal frameworks
with advanced provisions to address corruption, although
implementation is neither uniform nor sufficiently
- In the ten years since the advent of democracy, South Africa
has developed an advanced infrastructure and framework of
law, strategy and institutions with a mandate to combat
corruption. Specialised anti-corruption institutions with a
constitutional remit to support the democratic dispensation
have been created, and the Prevention and Combating of
Corrupt Activities Act has been promulgated, among others.
- Corrupt activities nonetheless continue to take place in
many government departments at national, provincial and
local level. Currently, concerns relate specifically to
government officials in the Criminal Justice Sector, the
Department of Home Affairs and the Department of Social
Development due to the impact of their activities on service
delivery and good governance. Many of these officials can
often be linked to members of organised crime syndicates or
criminal networks, both local and foreign. Further, corrupt
officials in these and other government departments are
often linked to corrupt officials in other government
departments, often across provincial boundaries.
- The ongoing involvement of senior government officials in
incidents of mismanagement and unethical behaviour remains
cause for concern. These senior officials continue to
ignore, or fail to adhere to rules and regulations. They
also abuse the authority vested in them by intimidating and
threatening junior officials when the latter wish to report
irregularities. In many instances, anti-corruption measures
adopted by the Department of Public Service and
Administration (DPSA) or the Public Service Commission (PSC)
are not enforced or implemented. The prominent media
coverage that these incidents receive enforces negative
perceptions among the public as to the extent of corruption
in the public sector.
- Although discipline in the public sector has improved,
pockets of ill discipline continue to undermine efforts to
implement anti-corruption measures. Officials suspected of
corruption are often allowed to continue with their corrupt
activities and are not dealt with in a speedy and effective
manner. Although explanations such as poor investigative
work, restrictions placed on government departments by
current labour laws, and poor internal mechanisms are often
citied, hesitation to act swiftly against implicated
officials does exist.
- A further factor contributing to mismanagement, corruption,
and poor service delivery is the broad lack of adequate
line-functional training of government officials. A number
of departments lack a coordinated training policy, with
training being given on an ad-hoc basis. Government
officials are also not always made aware of risks present in
their working environment, or extraneous risks that may
impact on their line function.
- Corrupt and unethical activities continue to manifest in the
private sector, in many cases where there is an interface
with the public sector. Individuals in private institutions
and companies often bribe government officials or provide
other incentives in order to obtain tenders and government
contracts. This is an issue that requires in-depth
investigation and research to obtain a comprehensive picture
of the current extent of the phenomenon.
- Although South Africa has laid the foundations, it is still
an anti-corruption construction site and will remain so as
long as corruption remains a global phenomenon.
- Government is, however, proud of its contribution to
creating a sound and efficient anti-corruption framework.
Through partnership, nationally in the Forum and regionally
and internationally with other partners, such as
international public organisations, donors and partner
countries, the current framework can be improved and the
fight against corruption intensified.
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Annexure: Progress Report on Implementation of Summit
Resolution |
Status report |
Combating corruption
- A review and revision of legislation.
- Establishment of a whistleblowing mechanisms
- Speedy enactment of the Open Democracy Bill
- Establishment of special courts to adjudicate on
corruption cases
- Establishment of Sectoral Coordinating Structures
(broadly classified as Public Sector, Civil Society
and Business)
- Establishment of a National Coordinating Structure
to lead, coordinate, monitor and manage the National
Anti-Corruption Programme
- Prevention and Combating of
- Corrupt Activities Act, 2004
- Protected Disclosures Act commenced on 16 February
- Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000.
Privacy element of Open Democracy Bill currently
with SA Law Commission.
- A specialised commercial crimes court and
prosecuting unit was established as a pilot in
Pretoria in 2000, and has been rolled out.
- Anti-corruption Coordinating Committee established
for Public Sector in 2002.
- National Anti-Corruption Forum established in June
Preventing corruption
Blacklisting of individuals, businesses and
organisations who are proven to be involved in
- Establishment of Anti-Corruption Hotline
- Establishment of Sectoral and other Hotlines
- Disciplinary action against corrupt persons
- Consistent monitoring and reporting on corruption
- Promotion of and implementation of sound ethical,
financial and related management practices.
Arranged in the Prevention and
Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004.
Government has in principle approved that corrupt
employees be blacklisted from employment in the
public service, and this system will be implemented
once the legal issues have been resolved.
- National Public service Anticorruption Hotline
System established in 2004 (0800 701 701)
- Disciplinary codes revised and being applied.
- Country Corruption Assessment report published in
2003. Budget Vote of Department of Public Service
and Administration contains Subprogramme:
Anti-corruption Monitoring and evaluation wef April
- New Public Service Regulations and Public Finance
Management Act of 1999 contain elements. Honesty and
Integrity is a defined competency identified for the
Senior Management Service (SMS) of the public
service. New Supply Chain Management Framework
issued with strong anticorruption measures. Training
programmes to support implementation have been
Building Integrity and raising
Promotion and pursuance of social research and
analysis and policy advocacy to analyse causes,
effects and growth of corruption
- Enforcement of Code of Conduct and Disciplinary
- Codes in each sector
- Inspiring the youth, workers and employers towards
intolerance for corruption
- Promotion of training and education in ethics
- Sustained media campaigns to highlight aspects of
the strategies
Country Corruption Assessment report is first step.
Impact assessment of national policies budgeted for
in 2006/07 financial year (contained in Estimate of
National Expenditure).
- Public Service Code of Conduct, new Disciplinary
Code and practical guideline on the Code of Conduct
are in place. Codes on Corporate Governance in place
for SOEs
- No particular strategy in place as yet for youth.
Within employment relationship, departments have
commenced with anti-corruption awareness programmes
- Workshops on the Code of Conduct were conducted by
the PSC. Ethics incorporated in public service
training offered by the South African Management
Development Institute
- Ongoing activity.