Celebration of International Anti-Corruption Day
International Anti-Corruption Day is celebrated
annually on the 9th of December in honour of the
United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)
which was signed in Mexico, in 2003. On this day
recognition is given to the essential global leadership
which was provided at the signing of the Convention where
95 countries took the anti-corruption pledge. These countries
have since been joined by 45 more signatories bringing the total
to 140 nations.
Around the world today, people will stand up and say, “No!” -
To corrupt politicians, corrupt public servants and crooked companies.
International Anti-Corruption Day recognises the devastating impact
corruption has on the lives of millions around the world and honours
the quiet acts of courage by individuals who are fighting corruption
all over the world, against great odds, often at great personal expense.
These individuals and organisations are keeping the flame alive and building
the foundations towards a corrupt free society.
Is it not time that at this celebration we should begin to think of honouring
past and present individuals and organisations that have brought about the change
that we seek?
In countries rich and poor, in all regions and walks of life, diverse organisations
and individuals are united in a common cause forcing action against the scourge of
corruption. These people need to be recognised in our country. Why should anti-corruption
champions and whistleblowers of good faith have to walk a lonely road, shunned and isolated?
Nothing short of full recognition and idolization of whistleblowers and champions will take
the fight against corruption to the desired level.
In South Africa some of the earliest initiatives to fight
corruption have come through the efforts of the Public
Service Commission (PSC). Throughout this period the PSC
has had to address the need to promote integrity and develop
ethical public servants. In order to achieve this, the PSC:
- developed a Code of Conduct for the Public Service;
- established the Financial Disclosure Framework for senior managers; and
- managed the National Anti-Corruption Hotline since 2004.
The Code of Conduct: calls on officials to exercise their loyalty
primarily to the Constitution, secondly in the public interest and
thirdly to the government of the day. The Code of Conduct aims to
ensure a level of maturity in a very competitive world where high
standards of good governance provide a firm foundation for competing
with other economies.
The National Anti-Corruption Hotline (0800 701 701): provides a safe,
secure and anonymous mechanism for the public to report allegations of
corruption in the public service. The Hotline has been in existence
since 2004.
The Financial Disclosure Framework: is aimed at preventing conflicts of
interest by requiring senior managers to disclose their financial interests.
The rate of compliance has improved since the inception of the Framework.
However, the PSC is of the view that only a 100% compliance rate would be
In terms of future initiatives the PSC will take a look at the issue of lifestyle
audits and continue to develop an Integrity Barometer for the Public Service.
A Lifestyle Audit is simply an amalgamation of reports from a variety of databases
which would provide the PSC with a snapshot into certain aspects of the life of a
government official. The areas usually covered in a basic lifestyle audit are
properties, motor vehicles, company directorship information and credit histories.
Using lifestyle audits the PSC would be taking the scrutiny process of financial
disclosures forward, because, it may be used as a barometer of the extent to which
fraud and corruption are prevalent in government departments. In the near future the
PSC will be producing a concept document on lifestyle audits.
Integrity Barometer: An Integrity Barometer, as envisaged by the PSC is an instrument
that will draw information on the state of integrity in the Public Service based on
selected indicators and instruments designed to measure performance against such indicators.
The indicators will be developed to measure levels of integrity against predetermined pillars
of integrity in the Public Service. The Barometer will primarily draw factual information
based on the application of integrity measures and the management of integrity systems by
departments. However, it will also draw to some degree on perceptions of the state of
integrity in the Public Service by public servants. Based on the information generated
through the application of the indicators and instruments, conclusions may be drawn on
the state of integrity in the Public Service.
In addition to these initiatives, we salute the Minister for the Public Service and
Administration for establishing and launching his department’s anti-corruption unit.
This unit “would mainly investigate the business dealings of officials within a
department. The focus would be on undeclared business interests, failure to disclose
these interests when doing business with government, work outside of the public service
without permission and the soliciting or receipt of bribes during the course of official
On previous occasions we have noted with appreciation the recently established anti-corruption
task team which is a National Cabinet Cluster sub-committee on Justice, Crime prevention and
Security. The Task Team has been set up to “perform high priority criminal investigations in
cases where R5 million in assets would be seized.”
It is trusted that all these measures will deepen the fight against corruption in our country.
I would like to conclude by saying that at the heart of corruption lies dishonesty and
illegitimacy. Corruption has no place in a constitutional democracy committed to transparency
and accountability. There is no place for complacency, no room for blaming others and no space
for ignorance. If we are to uplift our nation, ensure the development of the human potential of
our people we have no choice but to promote integrity in which every person and institution has
its part to play. The ultimate aim of good governance is to ensure:
The rule of law: whereby our people are confident that there is transparency and accountability
at every level of our society be it the public arena, the business sector, civil society or labour.
Sustainable Development: whereby all people of South Africa have the right to reach their potential free
of favouritism, inequality or corruption.
Quality of Life: whereby the people of our nation are proud to be residents of the Republic because of
the integrity of the individual and the various institutions of our society.